5 Essential Vitamins For Teeth And Gum Health

5 Essential Vitamins For Teeth And Gum Health

This article was originally published on www.colgate.com by Jennifer Mitchell

Proper nutrition is beneficial for your whole body, including your teeth and gums. By ingesting the right vitamins through food or supplements, you can help protect your oral health. Here are five essential vitamins for teeth and gum health.

1. Calcium

Calcium isn't just good for your bones, it's good for your teeth, too. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) explains that calcium helps form and maintain healthy teeth.

Dairy products like milk and yogurt have a type of calcium that's easy for your body to absorb. Canned salmon and sardines with bones are also good sources. Vegan options include green leafy vegetables, blackstrap molasses and fortified cereals.

2. Phosphorus

Phosphorous is another important vitamin for healthy teeth. The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that besides calcium, you have more of phosphorous than any other mineral in the body, and most of it is in your teeth. It's necessary in the maintenance and repair of all the body's tissues. When it comes to your mouth, phosphorus works with calcium to keep your teeth strong.

Phosphorous is present in many protein-rich foods, like meats, eggs, nuts, legumes and dairy. It can also be found in whole grains, dried fruit and even carbonated beverages. Most people get enough of this vitamin in their regular diet without the need for supplementation.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a big role in keeping your teeth healthy. This micronutrient tells your intestines to absorb the calcium you've eaten and move it into your bloodstream. Delta Dental explains that without enough vitamin D, your body will leach calcium out of your bones.

Some foods are fortified with vitamin D. Milk, breakfast cereals and other foods may have this vitamin added. Check the nutrition labels to learn if your favorite foods supply vitamin D.

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