A Simple Guide to Types of Dental X-rays

A Simple Guide to Types of Dental X-rays

The X-ray is a basic yet extremely powerful tool utilized in dentistry. Also commonly known as radiographs, these amazing machines are capable of identifying (and consequently, preventing) various dental issues and other medical problems affecting patients. By capturing images of the teeth that the human eye cannot see alone, various types of dental X-rays can easily distinguish signs of tooth decay, tooth impaction, bone damage, and other oral maladies. 

What are Dental X-rays? 

Dental X-ray machines capture images of your teeth. This is so a dentist can properly monitor your oral health, as well as the potential for dental issues to arise. X-rays utilize low levels of radiation to view the inner structure of your mouth; without this insight, many oral problems could be overlooked and treatments might not be as effective. 

In most cases, a dentist will recommend that you receive an X-ray annually. Other factors such as the health or age of the patient may also affect the amount of screenings taken, as well as the type of dental X-ray used. Children, for example, may be recommended additional X-ray sessions to ensure the proper growth of adult teeth.

What Can Dental X-rays Identify?

X-rays can detect decay that is not visible to the naked eye, especially when it is between the teeth or obstructed by a dental fixture (i.e. a filling). They may also be used to discover damages to fillings, bone loss, nerve infection, and even signs of oral cancer. The results of these screenings will further assist your dentist in formulating a plan to address your specific needs. 

In children, X-rays are commonly used to detect decay as well as monitor the growth of new adult teeth. A dentist will be able to establish whether oral development is progressing normally and determine what treatments are needed, like the application of braces.

Types of Dental X-rays

Different types of dental X-rays are needed for acquiring information about specific areas of the teeth or gums. 

Bitewing X-rays 

If your dentist wants to examine your mouth for cavities between your teeth, they will likely use a bitewing X-ray. These work to provide better insight into the bone structure and functionality of the tooth. Commonly performed annually, bitewings help your dentist better evaluate the strength of bones holding your teeth in place. 

Periapical X-rays

Periapical X-rays provide a complete image of the entire tooth structure. They are used when a patient reports symptoms affecting a particular tooth or as a follow-up for a dental procedure. Also referred to as PAs, periapical X-rays can help detect a deeper form of decay, abscess, or an irregularity within the bone structure. 

Occlusal X-rays 

Occlusal X-rays are not utilized nearly as often as the models mentioned above. A dentist will use his type of machine to analyze both the top and bottom of the mouth for signs of impaction. Occlusal X-rays can locate and identify serious conditions like cysts, tumors, or underlying problems with the jaw. 

Panoramic X-rays 

Dentists will sometimes refer to panoramic dental X-rays as a panorex. Typically used by an orthodontist, patients are recommended to undergo a screening every 3-5 years. Surgeons will use images from this type of dental X-ray to make preparations for patient surgery, especially regarding wisdom teeth and other extractions.

Are Dental X-rays Safe? 

No matter the type of dental X-ray, the amount of radiation emitted is very low. As such, they don’t pose much of a threat to human safety. Your dentist will most likely give you lead coverings and thyroid guards to further protect you from any side effects. X-rays are also safe for pregnant women seeking treatment, in which case a few extra steps will be taken to ensure optimal safety. 

Note that most sessions only last for 30 minutes or less. The process is completely painless, and there is no recovery time needed. Digital dental X-rays will provide nearly instantaneous results, allowing your dentist to discuss treatment options with you as soon as the X-ray is completed.

Lee Simon Sees You Through to Better Dental Health! 

Here at Lee Simon, we provide our patients with only the best in dental care. Book an appointment with us today for a healthier, happier smile!